1. Make your bed every morning
I know that feeling of not wanting to even get out of bed. Bed is my safe place. Bed is where I go when I need to shut out the world. And I like to sleep away my worries. So this might seem like such a huge task initially, but trust me, it makes the world of difference. Doing something like this when you wake up gives you a sense of accomplishment early on and sets up the rest of your day to be a success. Not only that, but having it made may make it less tempting to climb back in and spend the day there.
2. Keep your space clean and tidy
Again, I know this can be easier said than done. When you feel really low, you couldn’t care less what the space around you looks like. But when you have loads of negative thoughts spiralling around in your head a messy environment can add to it. And often it’s something else to beat yourself up about. Decluttering, giving everything a space of its own, and freshening up a room can make it feel calm and organised, and subsequently have the same effect on your head. I always think ‘Tidy space, tidy mind’.
3. Get outside for walks
Ok, you might not feel up to walking far, but even stepping outside can help so much. Breathing fresh air into your lungs can be an incredible reminder than, despite your mind’s best attempts to destroy you, you are here. You are alive! There’s honestly nothing makes me feel more alive than getting outside for a long walk in nature. It strips everything away. All my worries and stresses. All the superficiality of looking and dressing a certain way. All the comparisons and expectations. I feel genuinely happy. And since walking is a form of exercise, we can rest assured that there’s a multitude of endorphins pumping around our body which trigger positive feelings within us. If someone asked me to tell them three things that make me truly happy deep down inside, this would be one of them. I cannot recommend it enough.
4. Have your nails done
If you go and get your nails done in a salon then the time to yourself is most definitely going to be a huge pick-me-up, and since I do nails myself, I see that firsthand. But doing them on myself can be quite the chore. However, now that I think about it, when I’m doing my nails I can’t do much else. I can’t go on my phone and I usually put a Netflix show on in the background. So as much as the actual task of doing them feels like a chore, it’s the time out to myself that really helps me. That, and having pretty nails makes me feel more beautiful, which naturally makes me smile.
5. Walk in the pouring rain
I know I already mentioned walking, but this is different. Admittedly, I’m quite a fair weather girl, I love the sunshine and the heat of summer, and I’m guilty of looking outside and deciding not to do something because it’s raining or snowing or whatever, But being prepared for the rain and just getting outside in it feels amazing. Again, I don’t care what I look like and I know before I even go out that I’m going to get soaked. Having the rain wash over you is like having a weight taken off your shoulders, it’s as if when the rain runs down your face and your body it’s taking everything with it. All your negative thoughts being washed away. I always feel invigorated after doing this, and there’s nothing better than coming home, taking off all your wet clothes, having a warm shower and a cup of tea.
Like I said, these might seem obvious, and maybe even a little silly. But they aren’t silly if they help, and more importantly, they are readily available to us all. Sure, they might only offer a temporary burst of happiness, but over time they will lift your spirits immensely, and teach you healthy habits for getting yourself out of a rut. I suggest introducing them one by one, as trying to change too much at once can seem overwhelming. And chances are, if you feel overwhelmed, you will end up doing nothing to make yourself feel better.
Overcoming a mental illness won’t happen overnight, but with time and effort, I promise you can learn to understand it and overcome it.
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