Tuesday, 17 May 2016

FITNESS: Introduction to my 12 Week Transformation

Hey everyone! Firstly, welcome to a new part of the blog! I never envisaged fitness featuring too much on here, but it is definitely becoming a massive part of my everyday life so it only feels fitting that I include it. And secondly, sorry I've been so absent in the world of blogging but I have had a LOT going on recently. Since I got back from Cyprus I have been trying to get myself back into some sort of routine, in the midst of juggling a hectic lifestyle and balancing everything I do. If you follow me on Snapchat, Instagram or Facebook, you will have been bombarded over the past few days with my latest venture, and having received a great response and a lot of interest in what I'm up to, I thought I would put together a blog post to tell you more.

So let's rewind back approximately two months. Prior to this I was doing a substantial amount of training - I had a personal trainer, was attending Insanity classes, as well as running in my own time and Irish dancing. I would have spent quite a bit of money of all of this, depending on just how much I was undertaking. But that all changed rapidly due to a rather major financial setback. I won't bore you with the details, but basically my Mini unexpectedly stopped working and wasn't worth fixing, so I had to buy a new car. This was a massive strain on my bank account, to say the least, and as a result I had to forsake some other treats, one of which being my fitness regime. I was absolutey gutted, especially when it was only a short time until my holiday to Cyprus - I certainly did not want to have to give up on my bikini body! But to be honest I did without even realising it. I only went for the very occassional run and that was it, a massive difference to what I had been doing previously!

So fast forward a few weeks and I'm in Cyprus. 

I certainly didn't feel bad about myself when I was in my bikini - you see all shapes and sizes on holidays which is fab! But I did think that my body could be better - sure my stomach was flatter when I had been doing more training, my abs were more defined, and everything just felt tighter in general, and I most definitely wanted that back. 

Not only that, but my book of choice on holidays was Fairy Tales by the amazing and oh-so-inspiring blogger Joanne Larby, and well, if you ever need some fitspiration, she is most definitely your gal! Curvy, toned, tanned, and an all-round babe, not to mention, such a lovely girl as well! So this all got me thinking - how can I continue to train and improve my health and fitness without spending so much money?

© Joanne's Instagram @makeupfairypro

So when I got home, I hastily booked another week in Cyprus because I enjoyed it so much! And with only thirteen weeks until the trip, my mind was in overdrive. Could I train myself during those weeks? Could I create a healthy diet plan for myself? Heck, could I even...create my own 12 week transformation? I am ambitious, I am determined, and if I set myself a goal, I will achieve it! So because I got the idea into my head, I just HAD to pursue it. I wanted to prove to myself that I could do it, and with a holiday looming there was no better time or excuse!

Six days into the plan and I have completely thrown myself into it, and am genuinely loving it! The difference I feel already is incredible. And I immediately see my muscles reverting back to how they looked before I stopped training. 

Progress photo from day 5

I haven't created an overall 12 week plan and that's simply because I know I won't stick to it. Instead, I'm creating workouts and meal plans one or two days in advance. This means that I know what I'm in the mood for nearer the time and am less likely to fall off the bandwagon. It also means that as I watch my body change, I can assess the areas that may require more work than others. I'm not using any 'professional' help as such so no personal training and no classes. I am creating my workouts myself simply using the knowledge I have from my previous types of training, along with Google and YouTube. 

When it comes to food, I am using cookbooks such as Joe Wicks' Lean in 15 and Ella Woodward's Deliciously Ella to create yummy meals, but again the structure is all my own. 

I hope that by sharing this experience with you all it will not only encourage and inspire you, but it will also make you realise that you don't need to be an expert, and you certainly don't need a lot of money or expensive equipment to change your lifestyle and subsequently improve your health and fitness. I'm going to try and write regular posts on my progress and to share meals and workouts with you, but if you want to follow along every day then I'll leave all my social media details below. Thanks to those of you who have sent me messages or commented on the posts I have already published - it is genuinely uplifting and encourages me to keep going! I hope I can do the same for you...

Friday’s Giirl


Snapchat - lboyd5
Instagram - @fridaysgiirl
Facebook - Friday's Giirl 

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